10 best places TO visit IN SAIPAN (Plus free Attractions)
The northern Mariana Islands is a commonwealth of the united states composed of 15 islands dotting the northwestern part of the Pacific ocean that is surrounded by Japan to the north, Guam to the south, Hawaii to the west, and the Philippines to the east. Of these 15 islands, Saipan is the biggest (and the second biggest of the greater Marianas Group, next only to Guam). only 23 km long and 8 km wide, it can be easily explored, perfect for those seeking a quiet, relaxing tropical holiday.
This trip was made possible by Blogapalooza and the Marianas visitors Authority. Saipan is divided into 30 villages, but some of those you might come across with are Garapan and Susupe, the hotel districts, and Chalan Kanoa.
Tourism is one of the biggest drivers of its economy, so visitors are well-taken care of and sites are well-maintained. because all attractions here are tourist-ready and the size of the island doesn’t demand a lot of transportation options, renting a car makes the most sense if you’re on a budget. but if you wish to have a better understanding of these places, you may also hire a travel agency or tour operator.
If you plan your way around Saipan, it is easy to find incredible things to do that does not cost anything. As simple as watching the dramatic sunset from the beach will already give you a much needed dose of wonder. but here are some of the island’s most important destinations (some of which can be enjoyed for FREE).
Saipan Sunset
Hvad er dækket i denne vejledning?
1. Bird Island (FREE)
2. Grotto Dive Site
3. forbidden Island (FREE ACCESS)
4. Garapan street Market (FREE ENTRANCE)
5. international festival of Cultures (FREE ENTRANCE)
6. Last Japanese Command Post
7-8. suicide Cliff and Banzai Cliff (FREE)
9. Mt. Tapochau
10. Managaha Island
Some tips to consider
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1. Bird Island (FREE)
Located at the northeastern coast side of the Saipan, this island is known as a sanctuary for birds (hence the name, duh). From the airport, this was also our first stop in our first day of exploration.
Bird Island
Many people we talked to said that the best way to appreciate the island is from a far. There is an easy look out just a few walks away from the main road access where you can have a view of the whole island with the Pacific ocean as its backdrop.
For the more adventurous, you can find a trail hidden just before the viewpoint, going down to the beach.
2. Grotto Dive Site
Probably one of the most famous spots to visit in the northern Mariana Islands, this underwater cave (connected to the open ocean) was awarded as the second best diving spot in the world by Dive Magazine. That’s something!
Accessing this famous cavern will require a bit of a physical endurance. You’ll have to go down (and eventually go back up) 112 flight of stairs to reach the tip of the diving spot. The water here is hypnotic. The deep blue blanket is accented with a “spotlight” coming from the end of the cave, illuminating the coral and limestone formations below the surface.
Freediving at the Grotto
Cliff diving, snorkeling, free diving and scuba diving are the main activities you can do in the Grotto. It is relatively an easy snorkeling spot, but it is heavily advisable to swim here with a guide (for non expert divers) which you can avail from local travel agents (check Marianas Trekking or Marianas sports Club). A big warning sign at entry point made this very obvious.
3. forbidden Island (FREE ACCESS)
Known as a favorite hiking and adventure spot for visitors and locals, the forbidden Island is a must visit. Although not really forbidden, this trip is not for everyone.
In order to reach the island, you will have to trek a 30min to 40min steep path down from the main road. There are overlooking stops in between the hike where you can appreciate the view of the island along with the crashing waves surrounding it.
Kenneth and the forbidden Island
Once you reach the island, there are several clear tide pools where you can swim and snorkel (some also come here to have a picnic). aside from these tide pools, you can also visit a cave called as the hidden forbidden where you can find a small cold tide pool. because the waves are unpredictable, swimming here will require an extra amount of caution.
Note: wear hiking or aqua shoes when accessing the caves. It is surrounded by sharp limestone pathways. like the grotto, if you are not familiar with the place, or not an expect hiker, it is strongly advisable to hire a guide (check out the packages from Marianas Trekking)
4. Garapan street Market (FREE ENTRANCE)
Every Thursday from 5pm till 9pm, the Garapan fishing Base gets transformed into a street market that offers local and international dishes and showcase vendors selling local handcrafted products.
Longganisa at Garapan Market
We saw a lot of Filipino dishes being sold at the market. My favorite is the longanisa (chorizo) spyd.
Adgang er gratis, men du skal selvfølgelig betale for din mad.
5. International Festival of Cultures (gratis indgang)
En årlig 6-sammenhængende lørdag aften festival, der fejrer den forskellige kultur, der bygger de nordlige Mariana-øer.
International Festival of Cultures
Dette projekt ledes af Marianas Besøgende myndighed, der sker mellem august og september. Du kan se Booth fra flere mikronesiske lande med vægt på Chamorro og Carolinian Heritage. Du kan også se bås fra lande som Japan og endda Filippinerne.
Beliggende ved Paseo de Marianas i Garapan (Saipans vigtigste shopping Alley), kan du samarbejde med en besøg i denne festlighed med en sidetur med shopping og souvenirjagt.
6. Sidste japanske kommandopost
På grund af den lange periode med japansk besættelse kan du stadig føle den stærke indflydelse fra deres nordlige naboer og rester fra denne periode. Et godt eksempel er antallet af japanske mindesmærker omkring, inklusive det sidste japanske kommandopost. Et vigtigt historisk WWII -sted beliggende ved bunden af selvmordsklippen. Denne del-cave del-bunker er den sidste fæstning af de japanske militære styrker, før amerikaneren tog fuld kontrol over Saipan.
Du kan se huller (og nogle kugler) oprettet ved udveksling af brande mellem de to lande, der kæmper for territoriet.
7-8. selvmord Cliff og Banzai Cliff (gratis)
Selvmordsklippen og Bazai Cliff er to separate placeringer, men har en næsten lignende mørk historie som det. De er begge placeret i den nordlige del af øen.
Banzai Cliff med udsigt til selvmordsklipper
Da vi besøgte dette sted, gav det lidt af en uhyggelig og trist stemning. Historien om disse steder er forankret på en blodig afslutning for tusinder japanske civile og soldater i slutningen af 2. verdenskrig. I stedet for at blive fanget i live amerikanerne, valgte de at hoppe fra klippen og afslutte deres liv (bedre være døde end blive fanget!). Der er mindesmærker og gravsten dedikeret til at mindes denne del af historien.
Bortset fra dens historiske betydning er udsigten over Stillehavet fra udsigten fantastisk, da du finder dig selv stående ved kanten af øen.
9. Mt. Tapochau
Det højeste punkt på øen, dette tillader en 360-graders udsigt over hele øen. Du vil have en fuld fornemmelse af, hvor stor denne ø er, og den store vidde af Stillehavet.
ATV skal til Mt. Tapochau
Vi gik her og kørte på en ATV (alt terrænkøretøj-85 USD fra Let’s Go) som det sidste stop i vores off-road eventyr. Men hvis du ikke er i et stenet drev omkring et mudret og busket terræn, kan du nemt gå her ved at leje en bil. Når du når bunden af topmødet, er der trapper for dig at klatre op for en let vandretur til toppen af bjerget.
10. Managaha Island
Sandsynligvis det mest fotograferede sted i Saipan, er Managaha en ubeboet ø, hvor du kan svømme, snorkel, dykke og parasail. Dit Saipan -besøg vil ikke være komplet uden at træde på dens elfenbenskore.
Sammenlignet med de andre varer på denne liste kan du ikke besøge dette sted uden at kaste nogle bukke, men det er absolut værd. Den billigste måde at komme her på er bare at hoppe på en færge (25 USD) og nyde stranden. Hvis du har nogle ekstra kontanter, vil jeg foreslå at enten leje en snorkel og nyde den akvatiske scene (du kan endda se nogle revhajer) eller hoppe på en hastighedsbåd og parasail. Vi parasælede og så en familie af havskildpadder fra højt ovenfor.
Managaha Island
Managaha Island
Nogle tip at overveje
Sådan rejser du der: Direkte flyvning fra Manila til Saipan via Philippine Airlines
Valuta: USD (debet- og kreditkort er bredt accepteret)
Sådan går du rundt: Mens det mest populære transportmiddel er at leje en bil, kan du alternativt ansætte en varevogn fra rejsebureauer eller pendulkørsler fra hoteller.
Shopping: Duty Free er det bedste sted at shoppe efter luksus og brandede ting, mens du for souvenirs kan besøge hypermarkeder og butikker som Joeten, Costco og ABC Stores.
Mad: Du kan finde budget mad, der starter fra 5 USD (gademarkeder), mens en mere afslappet og smarte kan koste fra 7 til 25 USD. Chamorro -pølsen er et must at prøve og også …… hmmmm …… spam med æg og stegt ris!
Denne artikel er i partnerskab med min Marianas PH, Marianas Besøgende Authority og Blogapalooza.
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