Archives October 7, 2022

12 suggested travel books

Posted: 02/02/15 | February 2nd, 2015 There’s nothing much more inspiring than a well-written travel book. It can fill you with awe, wonder, as well as wanderlust. books make those 10-hour bus rides with Laos much more bearable. They get us thrilled for new destinations as well as can modification our world view. I’ve always…

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Posted: 02/03/22 | February 4th, 2022 Miami is a party city. There are just no two ways about it. people come here to get wild, check out nightclubs, lounge on the beach, and drink the nights away. While it’s not a city I particularly love, even I’ll admit they know how to have fun here.…

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CEBU airport international Arrival process (Step-by-Step guide for OFWs & Non-OFWs)

IMPORTANT: before working on the arrival requirements, know that Philippine quarantine and testing requirements and protocol differ depending on the traveler’s vaccination status. read THIS FIRST: PHILIPPINE testing & QUARANTINE PROTOCOL! This post was last updated on: 16 DECEMBER 2021. For a lot more updated info, visit the official web site of the Mactan Cebu…

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