How To get a working holiday Visa in Japan: A step-by-step guide
There’s really no country in the world quite like Japan. Centuries of ancient history is beautifully juxtaposed against the neon lights and futuristic technologies of modern-day life. In reality, you can visit Japan dozens of times and barely scratch the surface of what this diverse country has to offer.
That’s why obtaining a working holiday visa in Japan is an outstanding opportunity. With a Japanese working holiday visa, you’ll have the chance to explore every inch of the country — from the top of snow-capped mount Fuji to the coastlines of Okinawa and everything in between.
Not to mention, you’ll be able to delight in some of the tastiest dishes on this side of the Pacific Ocean. Fresh sushi, steaming bowls of ramen, and fried shrimp tempura all await you at your doorstep.
This guide will cover everything you need to know about the working holiday visa in Japan. If you’re ready to go on an epic journey through Japan, read on!
What is a working holiday in Japan?
Who is Eligible For a working holiday Visa in Japan?
How To get a working holiday in Japan
How To start Your working Holiday
What type of work Can You Do on a working holiday in Japan?
Where to find working holiday Jobs
Disadvantages to the working holiday Program in Japan
What to expect From a working holiday in Japan
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What is a working holiday in Japan?
To put it simply, a working holiday visa allows young travelers to explore a new country and culture while earning money to fund their travels.
Although it may have the word “working” in the title, the main purpose of a working holiday is to travel around Japan and explore its rich cultural heritage.
Remember, you’re mainly in Japan on a holiday! However, the visa allows you to work so that you can earn some extra cash for your trip.
With a working holiday visa in Japan, you can work and travel around for up to one year. Australian citizens can stay in the country a bit longer because they are lucky enough to be given a visa for 18 months.
Depending on your home country, there may be a limited number of working holiday visas for Japan available. For example, Japan only issues 6,500 visas for Canadian citizens and 1,000 visas for UK citizens. once this quota is filled, you will need to wait until the following year to apply again.
On the other hand, there is no limit to the number of visa holders for Australians or new Zealanders, for example.
Who is Eligible For a working holiday Visa in Japan?
If you’re interested in applying for a working holiday in Japan, you need to be a citizen of one of the 23 countries with a bilateral working holiday agreement. So if you’re from the UK, Australia, new Zealand, or Canada, you’re eligible to apply for a working holiday in Japan.
You also need to be between the ages of 18 – 30.
However, citizens from Australia, Canada, and the Republic of Korea have different age requirements and need to be under 25 in purchase to apply. and if you are from Iceland, you should be between the ages of 18 – 26.
If you are not from one of the participating countries, you cannot apply for a working holiday visa in Japan. However, you can enroll as a full-time student in a university or language classes in purchase to obtain a student visa. and with the student visa, you are allowed to work a maximum of 28 hours per week in Japan.
Besides age and nationality, you should also have sufficient funds to support yourself during your entire stay in Japan. This amount will depend on your nationality; for example, Australian citizens need $2,500AUD, while Canadian citizens need $2,500USD in their bank account.
You will also need to show a return ticket or sufficient funds for a return ticket when applying for your visa.
How To get a working holiday in Japan
To apply for a working holiday visa in Japan, you should visit the nearest Japanese embassy in your home country. It’s essential to note that there is no online application option. That implies you should apply for the visa in person directly with the Japanese embassy.
The application process can vary slightly depending on your nationality, but it’s typically pretty straightforward. I recommend going to the Ministry of foreign Affairs in Japan’s site to see the exact application details for your nationality. However, you will likely need to complete the following steps:
Fill out the Application
Your first step is to fill out a printed copy of the Visa Application form to enter Japan. This form includes your basic information, såsom nationalitet, alder og pasdetaljer. Der er også et kort afsnit med ja eller nej spørgsmål om din juridiske og kriminelle fortid.
Husk, at du skal have en ren kriminel fortegnelse for at deltage i programmet Working Holiday.
Du bliver også nødt til at vedhæfte et 45 mm × 45 mm eller 2in × 2in pas-stil fotografi (der blev taget i de sidste seks måneder) til applikationen. Endelig skal du afslutte formularen ved at underskrive og datere bunden.
Bedst af alt er at ansøge om arbejdsferieprogrammet helt gratis! Hvis du opfylder ovenstående kriterier, er der ingen grund til, at du ikke skal ansøge.
Skriv din foreslåede rejseplan
I modsætning til andre ansøgninger om arbejdsferie skal du indsende en foreslået tidsplan for dine første seks måneder i Japan. Men afhængigt af din nationalitet kan du muligvis skrive en tidsplan for hele varigheden af dit besøg. Dette inkluderer dine flyoplysninger, indkvarteringsadresser og beskæftigelsesmuligheder.
Bare rolig, hvis dine planer ikke er 100% sat i sten. Du kan blot angive de websteder, du vil bruge til at finde potentielle steder at bo. Og hvis du ikke har en forudbestemt ansættelseskontrakt, kan du også angive det på formularen.
Målet med denne tidsplan er imidlertid at vise, at du har lagt tanke og kræfter i dine planer, mens du er på en arbejdsferie.
Saml eventuelle ekstra dokumenter
Udover ansøgningsskemaet skal du også indsende følgende filer, når du ansøger på den japanske ambassade. Disse filer inkluderer:
Dit nuværende pas (gyldigt i hele varigheden af dit ophold i Japan)
En kopi af din CV, der beskriver din personlige, uddannelsesmæssige og beskæftigelseshistorie
Et kort brev, der diskuterer, hvorfor du vil bo og arbejde i Japan. Dette skal indtastes på A4 -papir, underskrevet og dateret.
Bevis for midler til at støtte dig selv (en trykt kontoudtog fungerer; nogle lande kan dog kræve en officiel stemplet erklæring fra banken)
Indsend din ansøgning til den japanske ambassade eller konsulat
Som jeg sagde, skal der personligt indsendes ansøgninger om et fungerende ferievisum til den nærmeste japanske ambassade eller konsulat. Du kan ikke indsende formularerne online; Send dem pr. Post, eller bede nogen om at besøge ambassaden på dine vegne.
Afhængigt af dit hjemland kan du muligvis ikke have brug for en aftale med ambassaden. I mange tilfælde kan du bare gå i åbningstiden, og ambassaden vil pege dig i den bedste retning. På lignende måde kan du være forpligtet til at gennemføre et interview på ambassaden som en del af ansøgningsprocessen.
Modtag dit arbejdsherievisum
Hvis din ansøgning blev accepteret, så tillykke! Du modtager dit pas med visumet trykt inde. Behandlingstiderne varierer mellem ambassader, men spænder fra 1 – 3 uger. Du bliver derefter nødt til at vende tilbage til ambassaden i køb for at indsamle dit pas og visum.
Sådan starter du din arbejdsferie
Nu hvor den udfordrende applikationsdel er forbi, er det tid til at begynde at planlægge din ferie i udlandet i Japan! Når du ankommer til Japan, er der et par ekstra trin, du skal tage for at begynde din rejse i dit nye hjem.
Få dit opholdskort
Når du lander i Japan for første gang, skal du udfylde et ankomstkort, ligesom alle andre på din flyvning. Til afsnittet “Formål med besøg” kan du skrive, at du er på en “arbejdsferie.”
Når du gennemgår toldvæsen, giver immigrationsmedarbejderen dig et opholdstilladelseskort eller 在 留 カード. Hold dette kort sikkert overhovedet, da det er din form for identifikation, når du bor og rejser gennem Japan!
Ansøg om ophold
Nu hvor du officielt bor i Japan, skal du registrere dig hos det lokale kommunale kontor eller 役 所. Dette skal gøres inden for dine første to uger efter ankomsten til Japan.
Alt hvad du skal gøre er at udfylde formularen (som er på engelsk) og registrere dig med din nye japanske adresse. If you don’t have your own house yet, you can register using a friend’s place or hotel.
Få dit mit nummerkort
After you register with the local municipal office, you’ll receive a My Number card in the mail to the address you registered. This card includes a 12 digit number that is used for social safety and security or taxation. Make sure to keep this card in a safe place!
Open a bank Account
If you plan to work in Japan, you will need a bank account where your future employer will transfer your earnings. Unfortunately, many large Japanese banks require that you live in Japan for at least six months before opening an account.
However, there are some banks like Japan post bank or Shinsei bank that allow foreigners to open bank accounts once theyankomme.
To open an account, you’ll need your passport, residence card, and a Japanese phone number. If you want to guarantee that you get paid for your hard work, don’t forget this task.
What type of work Can You Do on a working holiday in Japan?
With a working holiday visa, you are not limited to short-term or part-time work. You can work in any industry, as long as it’s considered morally acceptable by the government. This implies you can’t work in massage parlors, pachinko game halls, or cabaret theatres.
Despite what you may think, finding a job in Japan is relatively easy, even for non-Japanese speakers. but on the other hand, companies are much more inclined to hire you if you have a working proficiency or even an elementary level of Japanese.
If you don’t speak Japanese, don’t worry! There are still plenty of job opportunities for those who can’t speak, read, or write Japanese.
Teaching English
If you’re a fluent or native English speaker, you ought to have a relatively easy time finding an English teaching job in Japan. Although it’s not required that you have a teaching degree or TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign Language) certification, you might find that some schools favor applicants with this training.
Best of all, English teaching roles can actually make much more money than non-teaching positions. On average, you can make around 2,000 yen per hour as an English teacher, which is 30%-50% much more compared to other hourly positions in Japan.
Outdoor and resort Jobs
For adventure seekers, working in one of Japan’s resort towns is an outstanding option on your working holiday. spend a few months teaching ski lessons or working the ski lift on the snowy mountains of Hokkaido. Or spend the summer as a pool or beach attendant in sunny Okinawa.
One of the best benefits to resort jobs is that your room and board is typically included — or deducted from your paycheck. And, you’ll have the opportunity to meet other travelers and working holiday visa holders from around the world!
Service industri
Unlike other working holiday countries, very few foreigners take on service industry jobs in Japan due to the language barrier. If you would like to work in a restaurant, bar, or cafe, you will probably be required to have high-level Japanese language proficiency.
On the other hand, a service industry job is a ideal way to brush up on your speaking skills. If you have a basic foundation of the Japanese language, you may find an employer who is prepared to hire you.
Office Jobs
Due to the industries’ flourishing international growth, hundreds of tech, finance, and industrial companies have set up satellite offices in Japan. If you have the best skills and experience, you may be able to land an office job. and because many of these countries are headquartered outside Japan, speaking Japanese is typically not required.
However, you’ll need to keep in mind that you cannot accept a permanent position. While you are able to work full time, you cannot continue working for the company once your work permit and visa expire.
Where to find working holiday Jobs
Finding a job will depend on where you plan on residing during your stay in Japan. However, there are a few different ways that make finding a job in Japan a little easier.
Online job Sites
There are several online job sites in English where you can find your next potential employment opportunity. some of the most extensive sites for foreigners are jobs In Japan, GaijinPot, and DaiJob. With these sites, you can submit and submit your CV and application to the employer immediately.
Employment Agencies
If you would rather work with an employment agency, there are several comp
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